If you have been a born-again Christian believer for three years or more and can provide two (2) reference letters that you have been living a godly life and exhibiting a scriptural standard of living Proof – One preferably from your local Pastor and the other from a reputable public official.
Book for the course
Study Guide to be provided
Minimum of 4 class sessions, hybrid online and in person + two part final examination
Meet the Instructor
Dr. Jerome Gabriel. He has been pastoring a local church (Endtime Harvest for Christ International Ministries) in Scarborough, Ontario region for the past 24+ years. Apostle Jerome was ordained and licensed under Independent Assemblies of God International Ministries, in 2005.
Doctor of Divinity May 2015
Master of Theology September 2018
Protocol and Diplomacy May 2021
Additional requirements:
Passport picture
Signed Disclosure Notice
Ordination Certificate (if any)
You will receive:
Chaplain Diploma
Chaplain License
Chaplain ID Card (Photos to be sent in JPEG format, not pdf.)
Chaplain Tie and Crest
Chaplain Badge